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Using Mindfulness Leadership To Enhance Communication Skills, Develop Trust, And Build Rapport

By Dr. Robert L. Wilson Jr.


I would like to introduce a concept today that will expand your leadership practices.  Specifically expanding your leadership practices in the areas of communication and developing rapport or trust. As a leader, it is critical that you have great communication skills and intentionally build rapport and develop trust amongst those that you're leading.  A strategy that I have found helpful to effectively and efficiently do this is incorporating mindfulness into my leadership practices.  We can call this mindfulness leadership.

What is mindfulness leadership? Mindfulness leadership is intentional and strategic leadership where you cultivate awareness, curiosity, and exploration without judgment. Not judging yourself or those that you lead allows for more openness, honesty, communication, insight, and sharing. Mindfulness leadership is about present leadership being in the moment being available and not consumed by past or future goals, circumstances, or situations. It is having the opportunity, option, and ability to pause take in the moment, and operate from that place, position, and posture of leadership. Mindfulness leadership can be used to enhance communication and develop trust in your leadership practices. Let's discuss how to do this.


How Does It Enhance Communication?

Mindfulness helps leaders to enhance communication by being more present and attuned to those they are leading.  It impacts how and what you hear, how you respond, and how you process the information.  By being curious it helps leaders to explore and expand communication possibilities and opportunities to engage as a leader.  It allows for more awareness of the person, situation, interaction, and communication from different perspectives without judgment.

Mindfulness helps with vision, clarity, and being present which impact effective and efficient communication.  Curiosity assists with inquiring and asking questions to foster communication, connection, and understanding which are critical components of effective communication and conflict resolution skills.


How Does It Build Rapport and Trust?

Mindfulness helps build rapport and trust because it allows leaders to be more honest, and transparent, and to be less judgmental.  It fosters authentic relationships, and interaction adds value and meaning to the moment and space.  A safe space is created where dialogue, trust, and rapport have the opportunity to grow and develop.

Mindfulness is about becoming more aware of yourself.  Learning to appreciate, celebrate, trust, and your intra and inter-communication.  This starts inward but manifests itself outward in being relational and trustworthy.  This allows leaders to build rapport and trust more organically.  It will assist with awareness and alignment of leadership values, communication, and practices. Now let’s discuss incorporating mindfulness into your leadership practices.


How Do You Incorporate Into Your Leadership Practices

Mindfulness can be incorporated into leadership in multiple ways.  Two ways that I use this concept in my leadership practices are through journaling and meditation.  Journaling allows me to process, and gain insight, and awareness as I capture my challenges and opportunities, as well as, my wellness, and emotional, social, or spiritual intelligence.  This information can be implemented in strategic goals for my leadership practices.   Meditation allows me an opportunity and space to pause, process, and be present in the moment which translates into how I show up, communicate, interact, and rapport. 


Mindfulness strategies can be used in personal and professional development.  I have created several tools and resources to allow those I lead to incorporate mindfulness into their development.  Examples of those tools and resources are journals and progress trackers which are great tools for raising awareness, building resilience, and resourcefulness for individuals and groups.  Mindfulness leadership coaching can be integral to enhancing leaders’ skills, confidence, competence, and practices. They can be used in conjunction with education, development, and training programs that are provided.



Mindfulness is a great strategy and technique to incorporate into your leadership practices.  There are many ways to do this. Journaling and meditation are great tools to cultivate using mindfulness as a leader.  Mindfulness is about you being the best version of yourself which impacts how you show up for yourself and those you lead.  Mindfulness also helps leaders to become more aware of how they can help those they lead to show up too!


If you are a leader looking to enhance your communication skills and build rapport amongst those that you lead, I ask you to take into consideration incorporating mindfulness strategies and techniques to do so. Mindfulness focuses on awareness, curiosity, and no judgment which are key elements for building effective communication and enhancing rapport. For additional strategies and techniques regarding mindfulness leadership please reach out to me at Robert@ or schedule a leadership coaching session,


Mindfulness and other digital products,

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