Your words are containers of creative power and force that take the pictures or images you create. Self-talk is an important aspect of your self-image. Many use negative self-talk to reinforce their inner critics instead of their inner cheerleaders; however, I would like to provide you with healthy, positive, intentional examples of self-talk to create the self-image, wellness, and life that you desire, which you can do with the words you choose to use. Self-talk is important in both internal and external communication for producing results and outcomes.
Afformations are great tools for intentionally and strategically developing your self-talk. Afformations are powerful, present-tense questions. Here are a few tips in writing afformations for yourself. They should be based on what you want vs what you don’t want. They should be in the present tense vs in the future of what you will have. They should be spoken repeatedly to anchor it in your subconscious. Lastly, they should be attached to positive emotions with feelings to reinforce what it feels like to have what you want.
Use these examples or write your own based on the tips I provided. For more in-depth information on using affirmations and afformation, check out my book, Words That Create Wellness: Using Affirmations and Afformations
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